Financial Accounting / Online

Online Veranstaltung
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Extend your knowledge in accounting for professional or personal use. Our course will teach you the basics you need for effective double-entry bookkeeping. Beginning with an introduction or a brush-up on your knowledge to double-entry bookkeeping, the course moves on to specialized topics such as depreciations, provisions, and hidden reserves. By combining theory with practical exercises, you will gain solid skills in financial accounting.

  • Erweitern Sie Ihr Fachwissen in der Buchhaltung sowohl für den beruflichen als auch den privaten Bereich. Unser Kurs vermittelt Ihnen die Grundlagen, die Sie für eine effektive doppelte Buchführung benötigen. Angefangen bei einer Einführung in die doppelte Buchhaltung für Neulinge oder zur Auffrischung Ihres Wissens, bis hin zu spezialisierten Themen wie Abschreibungen und Rückstellungen sowie stille Reserven. Durch eine Kombination aus Theorie und praxisrelevanten Übungen werden Sie eine solide Kompetenz in der Finanzbuchhaltung erlangen.
This is an online-only course. You will meet your course instructor and
the other participants live on the learning platforms Zoom or Teams. Zoom or Teams can be used without specific IT-knowledge. You will receive an invitation by E-Mail for the individual course dates.


Accounting, booking of financial transactions, balance sheet and income statement, multi-step income statement, booking of profit and loss, chart of accounts for SME ("KMU") and general chart of accounts, accounting regulations, credit transactions, capital income and withholding tax, VAT (value added tax), losses from receivables and recoveries, depreciation, provisions, accruals and deferrals, hidden reserves.

  • Rechnungswesen, Verbuchung von Geschäftsfällen, Bilanz undErfolgsrechnung, Mehrstufige Erfolgsrechnung, Verbuchung von Gewinn undVerlust, KMU-Kontenrahmen und allgemeiner Kontenplan,Buchführungsvorschriften, Kreditverkehr, Kapitalerträge undVerrechnungssteuer, Mehrwertsteuer, Verluste aus Forderungen undWiedereinbringung, Abschreibungen, Abgrenzungen und Rückstellungen, stilleReserven


  • You will learn to create a balance sheet and income statement and manageasset as well as income and expense accounts.
  • You will book business transactions to asset and income and expenseaccounts and maintain a journal.
  • You will be able to book monetary and credit transactions independentlyand calculate and book value added tax (VAT).
  • You will calculate and book depreciations and set up hidden reserves.


  • Individuals who would like to improve their general knowledge in financialaccounting or who seek to re-enter the workforce.
  • Self-employed individuals who would like to gain or expand their knowledgein accounting.
  • Employees of small businesses who would like to take on accountingtasks.
  • Members of associations or clubs who would like to handle the accounting,such as treasurers.
  • Individuals preparing for further training such as accounting clerk("Sachbearbeiter/in Rechnungswesen") or the accounting module of the trainingcourse Management with SVF Certificate ("Management mit Zertifikat SVF").


  • Good English skills in speaking and writing on C1 level – the course language is English.
  • Willingness for self-study at home.
  • Personal laptop or computer for participating in online classes.


An English language course book will be used during the course. Some documents are in German and are not translated into English. The topics are taught according to general accounting standards, but with a focus on Switzerland (Swiss Code of Obligations, "Obligationenrecht").


  • Accounting clerk (Sachbearbeiter*in Rechnungswesen)
  • Double-entry accounting with Banana software (Doppelte Buchhaltung mitSoftware Banana)

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